The Bottom Line: Comprehensive Report

Our detailed reports provide a comprehensive overview of your home's condition, highlighting findings from every aspect of our inspection. From structural integrity to electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and more, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to provide you with a complete picture of your property's health.

Each report is carefully crafted to be clear, concise, and easy to understand, featuring annotated photographs and detailed descriptions of our findings. Whether you're a homeowner, buyer, seller, or real estate agent, our reports serve as invaluable tools for prioritizing repairs, negotiating deals, and planning for the future.

With Structured Property Inspections, you can trust that your home inspection report will be more than just a checklist—it will be a roadmap to maintaining and improving your most valuable asset.

Experience the difference of a truly comprehensive home inspection report. Schedule your inspection with Structured Property Inspections today!

We adhere to the highest of standards in our duties as your home inspection team. national standards of practice. (SOP) and a strict Code of Conduct set fourth by the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI).

A Guide to Informed Decision-Making

A home inspection is a pivotal moment in the journey of buying or selling a property. It's not just about assessing the visible aspects of a house but delving deeper into its structural integrity, safety features, and potential maintenance needs. At the heart of this process lies the home inspection report—a detailed document that encapsulates the findings and recommendations of the inspection. Let's explore what makes a complete home inspection report invaluable and how it aids in making informed decisions.

The Anatomy of a Comprehensive Home Inspection Report

1. Introduction: The report begins with an introduction that outlines the scope and purpose of the inspection. It includes details such as the date of inspection, property address, and the names of the inspector and client.

2. Summary of Findings: This section provides a high-level overview of the inspection findings. It typically includes a summary of any major issues or concerns discovered during the inspection, along with recommendations for further evaluation or repairs.

3. Exterior Evaluation: The report covers observations and assessments related to the exterior of the property. This includes the condition of the roof, siding, foundation, windows, doors, decks, and landscaping features. Any visible defects or areas requiring maintenance are documented here.

4. Interior Evaluation: Here, the inspector details the condition of the interior components of the home. This includes assessments of walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, stairways, and any visible plumbing, electrical, or HVAC systems. Issues such as moisture stains, cracks, or faulty fixtures are noted.

5. Structural Components: A critical aspect of the report, this section evaluates the structural integrity of the property. It covers the foundation, framing (if accessible), and load-bearing walls. The inspector assesses for signs of settlement, cracks, or other structural concerns that could affect the stability of the home.

6. Plumbing System: Detailed observations and testing results related to the plumbing system are documented here. This includes inspections of pipes, fixtures, water heaters, drainage systems, and potential leaks or water pressure issues.

7. Electrical System: The report includes findings related to the electrical components of the home. This involves evaluating the main panel, circuit breakers, wiring, outlets, switches, and the presence of grounded outlets where required by current standards. Safety concerns such as overloaded circuits are highlighted.

8. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems: Observations and operational tests of heating and cooling systems are recorded in this section. The inspector assesses the condition of HVAC units, ductwork, filters, and thermostat functionality. Recommendations for maintenance or upgrades may be included.

9. Additional Considerations: Depending on the property's unique features or local regulations, additional sections may cover aspects such as insulation levels, presence of asbestos or mold, radon testing results, or the condition of appliances included in the sale.

10. Recommendations and Next Steps: The final part of the report provides clear recommendations based on the inspection findings. This includes prioritizing repairs, suggesting further evaluations by specialists (e.g., roofing contractor, electrician), and maintenance tips for the homeowner.

Why a Comprehensive Report Matters

A thorough home inspection report serves several crucial purposes:


In conclusion, a complete home inspection report is more than just a checklist of findings—it's a roadmap to understanding the true condition of a property. Whether you're buying, selling, or maintaining a home, investing in a professional inspection and receiving a comprehensive unbiased report ensures transparency, reduces risks, and empowers you to make well-informed decisions. Remember, the thoroughness and clarity of your inspection report can make all the difference in ensuring your home remains a safe, comfortable, and valuable asset for years to come.