Are home inspections necessary ?

Home inspections are highly recommended and often considered essential, especially when buying or selling a home. Here's why:

While home inspections are not legally required in every situation, they are highly recommended to protect both buyers and sellers and ensure a smooth real estate transaction.

National Standards of Practice

The National Standards of Practice are the gold standard guidelines all Inspectors must meet and follow. 

These standards typically cover the following areas:

These standards of practice provide a framework for home inspectors to conduct thorough and consistent inspections, helping to ensure the safety and integrity of residential properties.

Will I receive a report after the inspection ? 

Yes! A report will be issued to our client fast within 24 hours of inspection completion but usually within a few hours after the home inspection in PDF digital format. 

Although we write the report, it is the client who has retained our services and as such it is the clients prerogative if the choose to share our report with anyone. We will only share the report with our client unless the client provides express permission to do so in writing to us directly. 

*Reports can be put on a flash drive at request with an added extra fee or a printed hard copy can be provided with added extra time as well as fees associated. The digital PDF file is free and included as the standard format for report delivery. REPORT SAMPLE

What is the cost of a home inspection ?

A non evasive home inspections usually cost between $349.99 ( 0-1000 sqft "a small condo" ) to $1000.00 or more ( "much larger homes" 3000+sqft ) , this varies quite a bit with many factors affecting the fee, first and foremost is the size of the home. On average the typical single family home inspection fee is $449.99 ( 1000-2000 sqft ) all fees are tax applicable. Travel fees may be an additive to this if the location is over 50 km and charged $1.00 per km after 50km. All prices are subject to change, travel fees may be waived at our discretion.

Do you preform IAQ ( indoor air quality) or RADON testing?

The short answer is NO.

Most radon test kits require long term exposure ( 3 months to a year) in order to provide a more accurate reading and best done during winter months when windows and doors are closed.

This obviously can't be done in a 2 to 4 hour inspection window. Getting a reading in such a short period of time could give false highs or lows as radon fluctuates and varies by a factor of 2 to 3 over a 1 day period with seasonal variations even larger. 

For these reasons we feel it is not adding much value to the inspection report in regards to a real estate deal, as well as it goes beyond the Standards Of Practice.

Air Quality can be improved by increasing air circulation and ventilation , using air purifiers and keep filters clean by changing them often.

Most don't know that testing kits and or monitors may be purchased by home owner at most building supply stores and sent to a lab with a provided label without an inspector mark up. 

Health Canada has some great information for home owners that wish to educate themselves.

Should I be present at the time of the inspection ?

While it is not required for you to be there, we encourage it as there will be useful information the inspector may provide such as maintenance tips that may or may not be in the report. As well as it can be very educational and allow for an introduction to the home and its nuisances especially for first time home owners. A great time to address any of your concerns you may have about the property.

What kind of  home inspection do we offer?

There are several types of home inspections, each serving a specific purpose depending on the needs of the homeowner, buyer, or seller. They are Visual non-evaise nor technically exhaustive. 

Here are some common types:

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Each type of home inspection serves a specific purpose and can help homeowners, buyers, sellers or investors make informed decisions about their property.

Will my home receive a PASS or Fail ?

The short answer is NO.

While we are hired by the client our duty is to the home , to give an honest and fair unbiased professional assessment of the current state of the homes condition at the time of inspection.

Home inspections are Visual non evasive nor technically exhaustive. An inspection is in no way a guarantee or warranty. It is a snap shot of the condition of the home at the time of the inspection. Conditions change and inspector's can not predict the future.

There is no pass or fail.

Pricing based on the square footage of your home

Home inspection, 0 - 1000 sq. ft.


Home inspection, 1000 - 2000 sq. ft.


Home inspection, 2001 - 3000 sq. ft.


Home inspection, 3001 - 4000 sq. ft.

$749.99 or more +hst

These Rates serve as a Guideline to provide potential clients an idea of costs. Actual cost will be solidified in the contract agreement, it may be determined that travel fees will apply for example.

All prices are subject to change at the sole discretion of Structured Property Inspections ltd.

Travel Fees

Distances greater then 50km are subject to a travel fee of $1.00 (cad) per km. Meaning if the total distance traveled to and from is 100km from our office then a fee of $50.00 will be applied . 

How long does a home inspection take ?

Home inspections usually take between 2 and 4 hours to complete depending on the complexity and size of the home. 

Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors 2023

Innisfil Ontario, Certified Home Inspector, Best Home Inspection, Home Inspection Report, Fast, Reliable, Trustworthy, Unbiased, Professional, Barrie Ontario, Bradford Ontario, Licensed, Innisfil Home Inspection Company,