We provide an accurate and true report of the current condition of the home at the time of Inspection, whether buying , selling or investing. 

Our team combines 30 years of real world hands on construction knowledge in both new home construction and old home renovation with formal home inspection training to provide you with all the information you will need to make an informed decision on what could be the biggest investment of your life. 

You can be sure that with our experience and methodology that we will point out any major issues and/or conditions of your home that may not be apparent to the untrained eye. Safety is a major concern and like our inspections we take it very seriously. 

Knowing the WHAT is usually pretty obvious , But WHY has it happened and HOW to address the issue can be complicated. This is where our experience with hands on construction adds value and is of great asset to our process of inspection.

Following Industry Standards and as applicant members of (OAHI) strict adherence to the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors' (OAHI) Code of Conduct  is assured. We provide you with a comprehensive report you can rely on when making the crucial decision to purchase or sell your home or investment. 

We will also provide you with a better understanding of the home in regards of it's maintenance and proper function. 

                  We are here to help.

Innisfil Ontario, Certified Home Inspector, Best Home Inspection, Home Inspection Report, Fast, Reliable, Trustworthy, Unbiased, Professional, Barrie Ontario, Bradford Ontario, Licensed, Innisfil Home Inspection Company,